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Rockville Pipeline Company

Annual Shareholders Meeting

                                            Wednesday, March 6, 2019, @ 7:30 PM


Meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM.  Rob Snyder (President), Tony Ballard, Jim Starling and Zac Martin as Board Members. Karen Crawford (clerical) and Dave Brooks (Water Master) were in attendance.


62 Shareholders were in attendance or represented by proxy.

Agenda item #1 - Minutes

          Rob Snyder reviewed the minutes from last year and a motion was made to accept minutes from last year as read, and seconded.         

Agenda item #2 – Water Report

         Rob Snyder read the report of water used.  Information was given on various leaks and repairs/maintenance throughout the year.  Informed shareholders of water purchases from the Town of Springdale.  Also gave updates regarding the water purchase agreement between the Rockville Pipeline Company and the Town of Springdale.

Agenda item #3 – System Report

           Dave Brooks reported on repairs that have been made to the system, reviewed the Cross Connection information and informed shareholders of up-coming projects such as the Bridge Project, and SR9 Road  Construction Project.

Agenda item #4 – Financial Statement

                Rob Snyder and Karen Crawford went over financial statement and answered questions from shareholders.

Agenda item #5 – Rate Increase

     Rob Snyder reported that beginning in April, the water base-rate would be increased to $20 for the first 5000 gallons.



Motion to adjourn was moved and seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.